Eterniaroleplay Wiki
Ss (2014-08-08 at 10.03

The color of an Angel's wings is an indicator of their corruption. The brighter, the more pure the soul.

When Kraus created Eternia, he brought with him what he considered to be his three hundred most loyal Angels. Since Eternia's beginnings, the Angels have been a race of both worship and mystery, shaping the world during the early centuries before disappearing into the background as watchers.


The most obvious traits of an Angel would be the wings..



  • Created by the God of Atmos, Angels were designed with the intent to represent good. In contrast to them, the Akuma are the opposite. The two species were pitted against each other in a war that spanned hundreds of thousands of centuries.
  • Angels have no gender. The God of Atmos created the originals and assigned further production to his seven Archangels.
  • Angels are true immortals. When their body dies, their soul generates a new one after a few centuries, that retains all memories. The only way to defeat an Angel is to seal it.
  • Unlike humans, an Angel's soul is capable of regeneration, and is used as their primary mana source. This gives them an incredible amount of mana and also allows for the use of divine magic, as it can only be cast from a pure mana source, such as the soul itself. This does not mean that humans can use the souls of others to cast divine magic, because it's just as difficult- if not moreso- than using their own.
  • An Angel's soul is able to be viewed physically in the form of its wings, which is literally their soul. 

Fallen Angel

  • While Angels are born with pure intentions, this does not mean they cannot be corrupted. The more corrupted an Angel is, the darker their wings become. They are unable to restore the color of their wings and can only become more tainted over time, thus they are raised on a strict morale code to prevent this.
  • Almost all Angels will eventually become Fallen, the average taking around five thousand years, with some noted to last over a hundred thousand. Once Fallen in Atmos, an Angel would be sealed for an eternity and replaced.
  • Fallen Angels have wings of pure black, representing a soul that is driven by their personal desires and lacks any morale restrictions.


  • Most facts about half-angels are shrouded in mystery, so unless your character has been personally informed, the following would be unknown to them. 
  • Halflings are created in a ritual conducted by fallen angels that involves divine magic and intensive soul manipulation, typically resulting in the death of the mother. Most fallen angels will often go as far to modify the offspring before they're born, whether it's depraved enhancements or an inability to deny the commands of their creator.
  • Unlike pureblooded angels, half-angels are not bound to follow a single, sinful mindset should they become corrupt. They retain humanity's ability for change, and their wings are able to go from black to white, although it's something that's especially rare beyond minor shifts in the shade. 
  • Their wings, like purebloods, begin white, although they're less iron-willed than the angels, who were built by the God of Atmos with established beliefs. They fall to corruption much swifter, and due to their creation at the hands of fallen angels, are often encouraged to do so by their parent.
  • There's thought to be many hundred half-angels throughout the world of Eternia, with a dozen or so, if not more, in Valmasia. The most known half-angel to date is Judeal Loki
  • Their divine magic isn't on the same level as purebloods, as well as their potency with magic in general. However, in comparison to humans, all halflings are at least as strong as expert Magi.
  • Half-angels are hunted by the guardians of Kraus, as they've viewed similarly to fallen angels due to the majority of them being corrupt. Those with black wings are taken to a divine prison where they're re-educated in the hopes of eventually being redeemed.
  • Their immortality isn't on the same level as angels. Their soul will not regenerate the body if its destroyed. They do not die from natural causes, however, able to live forever. While they don't age, some half-angels are incredibly unstable physically, and often undergo a forced, incredibly painful regeneration of sorts- where their body shifts to a new age, from childhood to elderly. This can be overcome with time.


The are known to be the only recorded race able to use divine magic, a form of magic that comes directly from the soul. They are most commonly thought to be immortal creatures.

Known Angels



  • Vidrio - Creator of the Sarradian race.
  • Netzach - A grey-winged angel that has had recorded interactions with various Valmasian leaders throughout history.

Fallen Angels

  • Azrael - Eternia's death incarnate and traitor of Kraus
  • Kushiel- A fallen angel with limited interference in mortal affairs. Once slain in Alteros; assumed still reforming.

Half Angels
