Eterniaroleplay Wiki
Holy Magic Aura

A magi using a Holy Magic aura

Holy Magic or Light magic as it is sometimes called is one of the more common magics seen used by Magi.

Symbolic Characteristics

Holy magic is typically linked to Hope and Protection. Those wishing to further those aims have an easier time casting such magic. Magi typically are noted to have the disposition of healers and not fighters. Seeking to protect the weak and instill hope in them. This can lead some to be almost tyrannical in their charge of protecting people.


Holy magic was first introduced to Valmasia by Arthur Pendragon who learned it from Kraus. Arthur later taught many of his Knights of the Round Table who eventually formed the basis of the Order of Light. The teachings have spread throughout Valmasia since its introduction.

Key Notes

  • Holy Magic is one of the most common forms of Healing Magic. While it is not the best at healing it helps sooth pain which is sometimes even more valuable on a battlefield.
  • Holy Magic has the distinction of being able to choose who is harmed by its spells. Filling a room with holy magic can be used to only hurt who you wish to and leave your surroundings untouched.
  • Holy Magic is one of the most common magics to combine with a basic element. Taking on the properties of the other element while maintaining many of the benefits of Holy magic.
  • Holy magic reacts badly with Darkness magic as they are two polar opposites. A holy magic user is unable to learn dark magic and visa versa. Typically a holy magic user will feel uncomfortable around people with darkness magic at the very least.
  • Holy magic is able to protect others along with damaging your enemies. This makes it useful for those who work with a team.