Eterniaroleplay Wiki


A concept sketch of Kzer-Za in his unshapeshifted form, drawn by a deceased artist.

  "The doctrine of Now and Forever shall remain unobstructed by the vile human-filth for as long as I draw breath."

-- Kzer-Za

Kokb'ael Kzer-Za, mythologically-referred to as The Seer of Darkness, The Dark Lord or The Imperfect is a yokai which has ascended to the legendary evolutionary rung of Imperfection. Kzer-Za is known throughout Valmasia as an extremely dangerous, evil and unpredictable adversary of all humans. He is best feared for his absolute control of hundreds of yokai, and his unparalleled physical, spiritual, and mental power.

Kzer-Za is most commonly referred to as Kokb'ael. It is the name he has chosen for his primary human avatar, as he does not allow for any non-yokai to see his true form unless they are scheduled to die soon after.

After his commanding of the purging and enslavement of almost 80 soldiers and hundreds of villagers in Byson, the names Kzer-Za and Kokb'ael have become feared and detested names throughout Valmasia, primarily in the Byson and Tilandre villages.


Scholars estimate Kzer-Za's age to be at least 200 years, if not much more.


