Eterniaroleplay Wiki

A mixed group of yokai.

Yokai are demonic creatures that come in a variety of shapes and sizes, typically horned, leather-skinned humanoids possessing a massive structure. Even so, they've been known to take on features of other creatures, such as insects and animals.


Yokai were created in the image of the Akuma, who in Atmos, were considered both evil in nature and appearance.

Yokai were created with the intent to show other species, regardless of appearance, all creatures can do good.

Yokai weren't supposed to be evil. Like all other races, they are born neutral. However, the creation of Eternia didn't go as planned, and yokai were one of many side-effects... which made them only able to grow or evolve by directly devouring darkness. Originally, they were supposed to be able to harmlessly absorb energy to grow, but now they can only kill or be killed, heavily warping their personality.


While yokai vary in appearance, all share the instinct of cannibalism as a means to evolve. They are born with the potential to use darkness magic, as long as they reach a sufficient power, and possess the ability to absorb mana from flesh. 

Evolution Grade

Through the assimilation of raw power, Yokai are able to evolve and grow into new forms. They consume power primarily through acts of cannibalism, devouring their own kind to expand their spiritual capacity.


Lesser yokai tend to stick to packs.

  1. Lesser Yokai - The lessers of the Yokai kind are mindless brutes who only seek to grow. They are unable to communicate, even with their own kind; they are essentially newborns.
  2. Mega Yokai - The male version of Yokai in their second stage of life. They are significantly stronger and capable of communicating with other yokai through telepathy, and humans with some difficulty.
  3. Terra Yokai - The female version of Yokai in their second stage. They are about as strong as a Mega Yokai, but are able to communicate far more eloquently than their male counterparts.
  4. Greater Yokai (aka Giga Yokai) - A Yokai's third stage of life; they are far stronger and begin to develop the ability to take Yokai under their arms and command them. At this stage, Yokai begin to develop a very admirable intelligence.
  5. Elemental Yokai - Elementals come in the form of Infernus (Fire), Aquarius (Water), Zeus (Lightning), Terrus (Earth), and Ventus (Wind). The element they choose is entirely up to the Yokai; they retain prowess of this element for the rest of their life. At this stage, a Yokai begins to develop their spiritual capacity, and master the art of telepathy. Their influence over inferior Yokai becomes absolute.

    A kaor yokai brooding in the far eastern woodlands, overlooking a cliff face...

  6. Kaor Yokai - The 'ultimate' form a Yokai is capable of achieving. A Kaor Yokai boasts tremendous strength, intelligence, knowledge, and magical power - usually these yokai have lived for at least a century beforehand. There are very few in Valmasia, estimated at around anywhere between 20-60 of them.
  7. Imperfect Yokai (aka Ascended Kaor) - Imperfects are an extremely rare and dangerous mutation of Kaor Yokai, only achieveable through mastery of darkness and a bounty of incredible power. This stage is the last prior to absolute Perfection. Though they are considered a further step up the evolutionary ladder, they are simply an extension of the Kaor form. Ascended Kaor have been known to create weapons with their sheer magic alone. They possess a myriad of other techniques and abilities which are not widely known - there have been only a handful in existence.
  8. Perfect Yokai - The final form in a Yokai's life, only possible with the complete mastery over darkness. Since Eternia's birth, there has been only one completed Yokai, and it nearly brought Valmasia to the brink of annihilation. It was barely stopped by Arthor Pendragon and his army. When they are not shapeshifting, their form appears to be human-like with pitch black skin and long horns protruding from their forehead. The ascension of a Perfect Yokai is considered, by many, a "doomsday scenario" in which all hope is lost.